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Frank is an exciting, entertaining speaker,
perfect for all ages. His humor and impersonations, captivating
stories and life changing messages are ideal for your next
conference, keynote, or assembly.
Frank has worked 14 yrs on Capitol and most recently with the
Republican National Committee
His sole missions is souls and over 2,000 people have accepted
Christ following his message.
He has co-authored five books and released three CDs
Shelton, Jr. is a native of our Nation's Capital. He resides in
Waldorf, Maryland. Frank's three passions are people, public service
and public speaking.
He has co-authored two books THE MAKING OF AN UNSHAKABLE CHARACTER
and THE VERY BEST OF TEEN SUCCESS and released three CDs: "Frankly
Speaking" Frank Shelton's Favorite Stories. Frank graduated from
Gardner-Webb University in Boiling Springs, North Carolina and was
named a Distinguished Alumni in 1999.
At 33, Frank has worked 14 yrs
on Capitol and most recently with the Republican National Committee.
Frank had the pleasure to serve Members of both political parties
but he realizes that people are more important that parties.
On April 12, 1995, (at 23),
Frank was appointed by The Honorable Howard Greene, U.S. Senate
Sergeant at Arms to work as a bi-partisan figure on the floor of the
United States Senate. This opportunity enabled him to interact daily
with all 100 U.S. Senators. Frank served his hometown four years
under the leadership of Congressman Steny H. Hoyer (1996-2000). In
2001, he served his home state working in Governor Parris
Glendening's Capitol Hill Office for the fine people of the Great
State of Maryland.
Frank was always active with
student government and in seventh grade served as Treasurer and was
elected President of the Student Body in Middle School. He played
three years of basketball at Thomas Stone High School. Frank played
11 seasons of organized basketball and coached three years while in
college. Frank's greatest accomplishment was awarded not on the
court but off the court. Like many students in high school, Frank
was invited to many of the parties but he politely declined because
he viewed his reputation more important than temporal acceptance
from peers. Attending only two parties in four years of high school,
Frank was crowned Prom King his senior year by 1,200 of his peers
due to his convictions and kindness to all. Frank's message of hope
reminds all that we can still "reach the top" without bottoming out.
Frank loves to repeat the famous quote: "If you lose your wealth,
you have lost nothing. If you lose your health, you have lost
something but if you lose your character (reputation), you have lost
Frank's experience as an athlete, mentor, coach, youth pastor and
concerned citizen enable him to not only communicate with people but
more importantly connect with people. Frank loves basketball,
throwing football, washing cars, making friends and most of all, his
beautiful daughter, Hannah.
Programs Suitable for Churches:
At 34, Frank Shelton, Jr. shares a passion for
people, preaching and public service. He addresses audiences across
America at various conferences, crusades and churches and loves
leading the lost to the Lord. Frank uses humor, celebrity
impersonations and incredible illustrations that Exalt Christ and
Encourage Christians while pointing as many people to the Prince of
Peace (Jesus Christ). His sole mission is souls. In the last 48
months, over 2,000 people have made personal commitments to Christ.
While working full-time on Capitol Hill, Frank spoke in 72 churches
and schools in 2001-2002 alone, at various revivals, retreats and
youth rallies.
Frank is an
ordained minister and loves doing "the work of an evangelist." Frank
admires Andrew in the New Testament because he was always bringing
someone to Jesus. Frank attended the Billy Graham School of
Evangelism in Monterey, California and is a former youth pastor and
Minister of Evangelism at Dunkirk Baptist Church in Maryland. He is
the co-founder of the largest annual Youth Rally in Southern
Maryland and is perfect for both teens and adults. He is a featured
speaker with Sam Glenn at The National Christian Youth Speakers
www.christianyouthspeakers.com , and Character Speaks
www.characterspeaks.com .
Outside of
Christ, Frank's favorite Biblical person is Joseph of Arimathea.
Frank's father retired in 1995, as Deputy-Chief of the United States
Capitol Police. Frank's father is a fourth generation police officer
in the Nation's Capital. Frank's ancestor was on duty at Ford's
Theater, Good Friday, 1865, the very evening President Abraham
Lincoln was assassinated. It has been noted that his ancestor
assisted in carrying President Lincoln across the street where he
died 11 hours later. Frank's family friend was a personal friend to
the late Elvis Presley and was asked to be a pallbearer at Elvis'
funeral. Frank's ancestor carried the "KING OF A NATION" and his
friend carried the "KING OF ROCK 'N ROLL" but like Joseph of
Arimathea we carry the "KING OF ALL KINGS!" Joseph of Arimathea
carried Christ one time but we carry Christ daily by our life and
lips. It is one thing to carry greatness but something entirely and
eternally different when GREATNESS (God) carries us!
"I am just a Western Union messenger boy delivering
a telegram of God's love to the door of humanity."
-Dr. Billy Graham
Frank has shared
the stage with: President Jimmy Carter, Cal Thomas, Grammy Award
Winners- Jars of Clay, Ce-Ce Winans, Dove Award Winners-Michael
English, Jonathan Pierce, David Phelps of Gaither Vocal Band, Ernie
Haase (former tenor to Cathedrals Quartet), Darrell Scott (father of
slain Columbine student), Sam Glenn, David Parker, Canton Spirituals
and others!